Official Records / June 2020
R.O. Publications
National Financial Corporation |
Official Register Special Edition N ° 707, June 26, 2020 |
Regulation DIR-037-2020 Approve the redesign of the Pyme Xpress product. |
Regulation DIR-038-2020 Approve the regulatory reform to Chapter X: Standard for the Application of Extraordinary Deferral of Credit Obligations – Galapagos. |
Regulation DIR-039-2020 Approve the amendment to the provisions of Regulation DIR-034-2020 of May 23, 2020 where Electronic Factoring excludes suppliers that correspond to Organizations of the Popular and Solidarity Economy of the business subsegment. |
Regulation DIR-041-2020 Approve the amendments to the Manual of Procedures for the Analysis and Approval of First Floor Credit. |
Regulation DIR-042-2020 Approve the financial product redesign Financing and Refinancing Program CFN Apoyo Total – CFN Apoyo Total |
Official Register Special Edition N ° 726, July 2nd, 2020. |
National Financial Corporation: Reforms the Manual of Procedures for the Analysis and Approval of First Floor Credit (V9) MP-GCC-01-AC. Note: It lost validity due to the publication of the new Manual, Res. 41 promulgated in the Official Gazette, Supplement 707 of June 26, 2020. |
Describe in an orderly, simple and simplified manner the activities to follow the analysis and approval of financing requests for the First Floor Loan Placement process. From: The receipt of the documentation of the client or potential client for its respective verification. It includes: The procedures for Verification of Maximum Quota-Product “Together”, “Analysis and approval of first floor credit” and “Analysis and approval of first floor credit Pyme Xpress”. Until: Sending documentation corresponding to the Archive unit. Does not include: The detail of the Instrumentation procedure, which must be consulted in its respective procedures manual. |
Official Register Special Edition N ° 727, July 2nd, 2020. |
National Financial Corporation: Reform of the CFN regulations, Book I: Regulations on Operations, Title I: Active and Contingent Operations, Subtitle II Financial Products Manual, chapter 7. Regulations applicable to first-tier products, incorporating “Mechanism for credit restructuring granted for the acquisition or repowering of a vessel to replace the productive matrix of trawling”. |
RESOLUTION NAC-DGERCGC20-00000046, July 1st, 2020 |
Reforms the resolutions: NAC-DGERCGC16-00000531 published in the Sixth Supplement to Official Registry No. 913, of December 30, 2016, which establishes the technical and methodological measures to avoid the abuse of transfer prices. And resolution NAC-DGERCGC16-00000532 published in the Sixth Supplement of Official Registry No. 913 of December 30, 2016, amended with Resolution No. NAC-DGERCGC17-00000617, published in the Supplement of Official Registry No. 149 of 28 of December 2017, establishes technical standards for the application of the transfer pricing regime and priority in the use of methods to apply the arm’s length principle. |
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